Advertise your flock

As a member of the Southdown Sheep Society there are a number of ways in which your flock, or individual animals, may be advertised:


The Society’s Spring 2023 publication is an ideal opportunity to advertise your flock.

This full colour, A4 publication, is sent to all Society members.

Please note that all adverts included in this publication will also be included on the website.

Advertising rates for members are as follows:

Full page £80

Half page £40

Other advert sizes may be available on request, please contact the office for further details.

The deadline for copy is January 31st 2023


All adverts will include the flock name, breeder's contact details including telephone number/s and email, and a brief outline, totalling no more than 475 characters, including spaces, of what is available for sale.

Descriptions may include pedigree information or other relevant details, including show results and one photograph is included within the £10 charge. Additional lines of text (no more than 125 characters including spaces) may be purchased for £3/line and additional photographs can be added for £3/photograph.

Where breeders wish, they may also submit a private catalogue of their animals for sale in pdf format to be included with their advert at a cost of £25. All catalogues must include wording which indemnifies the Society.

Adverts remain on the website for three months. Please email the office for more details.